Soft as a Whisper

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Margaret designed Soft as a Whisper in 2001 to appear in People’s Friend magazine in the United Kingdom as part of a collaboration with the Knitters and Crochet Guild. An image of the shawl is included on p66 of Wrapped in Lace where Margaret discusses  shawl shapes.

The triangular shawl was designed for 2-3 skiens of Artisan Lace with the larger size shawl using a larger needle rather than additional repeats. It is a simple Shetland style construction with the lace border knitted first and then edge stitches picked up to knit the centre. The pattern has charts and written instructions and aimed at the beginning lace knitter.

We would like to republish this pattern and need some new images and information on the yarn quantity and size with other yarns. Contact us you would like a free copy to help with this. 

knitted shawl
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